The Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement invites all members of the public to attend a performance by Brandon Martin focusing on social justice, as told through music.
Enrolled students who are noncompliant with the weekly required testing will lose access to Canvas until they become compliant. Continued noncompliance will result in additional disciplinary sanctions, up to and including conduct suspension upon the completion of a formal student conduct process.
Construction continues to move forward on the new Physical Fitness, Athletics, and Wellness (PAW) Center at Penn State DuBois, with work running on schedule and expected to be completed by Fall of 2022.
The Penn State DuBois men's basketball team had their first game of the new year as they traveled to Central Penn in Harrisburg, Pennsylvnia, on Thursday, Jan. 6. Central Penn would take the game 79-73.
Director of Finance and Business John Luchini and Continuing Education Program Coordinator Shelly Luchini — husband and wife — have both entered retirement together, effective at the end of 2021. With their combined years of service to Penn State DuBois totaling more than half a century, John retires with nearly 35 years and Shelly with almost 25 years at the campus.
In alignment with the recent announcement from the White House on federal vaccination requirements, all Penn State employees at all locations are now subject to a federal COVID-19 vaccination requirement. The deadline for employees to receive their final dose of a vaccine is Jan. 4, 2022
All members of the community are invited to a performance of traditional Native American song and dance performed by Larry Yazzie at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 9, in Hiller Auditorium at Penn State DuBois. There is no charge for this public event.