Change your latitude, a presentation by travel hacker Jason Boring, will take place in Hiller Auditorium, on the campus of Penn State DuBois, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, beginning at 7 p.m.
DuBOIS, Pa. — The Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement will welcome students and members of the public to Hiller Auditorium on Tuesday, Dec. 10, for a presentation from Jason Boring, travel hacker.
The show will begin at 7 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.
Boring has been traveling around the world for over a decade. He has crossed the country via plane, car, bus, motorcycle and hitchhiking. He has circumnavigated the globe and comes with a wealth of experience in the developing world, spending extensive time in South America, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and his favorite to discuss, Africa.
Hacking is a way of finding short cuts or clever tricks to solve common problems. Boring said he aims to have his presentation show how using some practical knowledge and expertise from his experiences can help solve many of the large and small issues that a traveler might run across. Boring says knowing how to travel cheaply to a country can be the difference of going on the trip of a lifetime or not, gaining experiences that a person will hold in their heart forever.
The program is presented by the Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement as part of the Diversity, Arts, and Lecture Series. For more information, contact Brittany Stanton, assistant director of student engagement, at [email protected] or 814-375-4764.